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The Misty Worlds of Sandy Frediani
where fantasy and reality come together
To be honest, I absolutely hate writing a bio - with a passion. Why? Because I'm not important. The story...stories are what's Important. But since people might want to know a little about the "secretary" who takes dictation from the characters...I'll pull up my big girl panties and tell you a little about me.
In addition to taken the abovementioned dictation, I'm a handweaver, handspinner, like to draw and make pictures with a camera. I retired from 15 years and 3 months (but who's counting) working in retail. In 2003, I made a huge decision and uprooted my life, moving from California to WNY (Western New York state). That's about it, in a nutshell. I still have more things to do than time to do them.
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