Oh Dear!
I see that it's been well over three years (THREE YEARS!!!!) since I posted anything in my blog. Ya'll must have thought I died or...
Ohhh...that's bad
A while ago, I was searching for an art book which I knew I had, but didn't know where it was in the many boxes still packed from my move...
First Draft
I see I've been remiss in keeping up with my blog. No excuses. Life happens. As it turns out back at the end of January, The Binding...
It's a plot...or not
From WordWeb, an online dictionary plot - noun - 1. A secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal) 2. A...

Meet the man himself
Thought you might like to meet the man himself.
What I won't do
Well...I hadn't planned on this topic, but the situation has come up so I'll lay my views out on the table. I went to Amazon and checked...
Inspiration continued
Silly me forgot what I wrote last week so I had to go back and read it again. Having done that.... Onward! Way back in the long ago...
One of the first questions that writers - artists of any sort - are asked is... Where do you get your inspiration? Where do the stories...
In the beginning...oh wait...that's been used already.
This is my first - ever- blog post. I've thought about having a blog on and off for years, but never really had a good reason to pursue...