The Misty Worlds of Sandy Frediani
where fantasy and reality come together
This page is to show something of the world and people of The Binding. Much of it was documented by Brother Vyda, a monk in the Order of the Oak and Acorn. It's his job to maintain and add to the Archives.
The Forest People
A Brief History and Culture (excerpt)
written by Br. Vyda
Order of the Oak and Acorn
The Forest People are the indigenous race of that land which is governed by the City. Driven from their fertile lands, they retreated to the Great Forest rather than fight. As the invaders grew in strength and numbers, they began hunting the Forest People, determined to exterminate them. Retreating deeper into the forest, the Forest People called upon their Gods for assistance. According to their legends, a bargain was struck. The Gods gave them the mind seek, a means to communicate mentally. This would enable them to move silently through the woods. The bounty hunters could no longer follow the laughter of the children to their villages and camps. The price paid was steep as they were unable to leave the influence of the Forest. Should one of the Forest attempt to leave they encountered intense and disabling physical and mental pain. To ease this burden, the People were also given the ability to work gold with their hands and minds. This ability let them trade for that which they could not produce.