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Inspiration continued

Silly me forgot what I wrote last week so I had to go back and

read it again. Having done that.... Onward!

Way back in the long ago days (late 1990s), I was a member of

an online readers and writers group. Originally intending just

to read and maybe comment now and then, I ended up trying

my hand at writing. I'd written before, mostly journalling. I

tried my hand at fiction, but never anything serious and

certainly never with the intention of publication. As I read and

commented on the stories submitted in that group, my wicked

little mind began to wonder and eventually said - why not?

The worst that could happen (which is what I fully expected) is

it'd be completely, totally and utterly panned.


I was right. One of the first short stories posted was torn apart.

I cried for days. I got angry. I re-read the crits and comments.

I re-wrote the story and submitted it again. It was 100% better

than the first draft.

How does this fall under 'inspiration'? The crits and comments

on the original story, while harsh, were spot on and inspired

me to keep writing and keep working at improving.

Back to music... In this online group, we often had discussion

about, well, almost everything under the sun and an awful lot

of dark places as well. We happened to be discussing music at

one point and another member mentioned some music,

suggesting that we (other members) might enjoy it. It sounded

intriguing enough that I went searching for a CD to give it a try.

I found one, bought it and brought it home. Stuck it in the CD

player and hit 'play.' Almost instantly, the story in the music

appeared in my mind. I powered up the laptop and started to

write. Normally, when I listen to music which has vocals, I try

to learn the lyrics, but in this case some instinct told me not to

llisten to them, just focus on the music. From the music on

that CD a chapter of what is now Reclamation was born.

That chapter is Transformation and was originally a short story.

In a very real sense it has its own 'soundtrack' and

passages/scenes of the story correspond to tracks on the CD.

The CD is The Cross of Changes by Enigma. Corresponding

tracks/scenes are as follows:

*I Love You...I'll Kill You (track 4) - Emach and the Scyth

decimating the village; Emach burning the fields of grain

*Silent Warrior and The Dream of the Dolphin (tracks 5 and 6)

- this is Emach remeniscing (the music, not the lyrics)

*Age of Lonliness (track 7) - the guards chasing emach across

the prairie and his entrance into the forest

*Out from the Deep and The Cross of Changes (tracks 8 and 9)

- Emach's encounter with the Sheekahr Kahll

The music of Enigma provided much of the "inspiration" for

the other chapters as well, although none have the 'soundtrack'

of Transformation. If you've not heard of Enigma, or their

music, much is online at You Tube including the entire Cross

of Changes. Wonderfully evocative music.

I am forever indebted to the gentleman who introduced me to

the music.

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