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It's a plot...or not

From WordWeb, an online dictionary

plot - noun - 1. A secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal) 2. A small area of ground covered by specific vegetation 3. The story that is told in a novel, movie, play, etc. 4. A chart or map showing the movements of an object

Only one of those applies here - the third one.

Writers come in different flavors, but mostly break down to two "camps" - those who outline their plot and those who don't. Those who don't are often called "pantsers" - as in writing by the seat of their pants. I prefer a name given by a good friend of mine - organic writers.

Those who outline their story usually know where their story is going and how it's getting there from day one. Sometimes it can take an unexpected turn, but will eventually end up going where it's been plotted to go. There is nothing wrong, and much right, with outlining...unless you're an organic writer, as I am. They know how their characters are going to act, and react, to situations. They're aware of the situations the characters are going to walk into. It can be a very linear way of working.

Organic or 'pantser' writers more often than not have no idea, or perhaps a vague idea, where their story is going. When it takes a sudden skew into unknown territory...that's really cool. It can also be terrifying. It can be a very non-linear way of working.

For many outliners/plotters, the destination is the goal - getting from point A to point B to point C to point D and so on until that destination - the end/climax of the story - is reached.

For many organic writers, the journey is the goal - going from point A to point B to point F to point D to back to visit point B to point C and so on until the end/climax, wherever it is - is reached. It can be a wild ride, a fun ride, a ride on the edge of panic, especially if you have a deadline.

These are broad generalizations because everyone is different and everyone writes in a manner which suits themselves. This is how it should be. How dull would this world be if everyone did/thought the same? Blah. Boring.

I'm an organic writer and proud of it. Every story is an adventure with the characters leading the way, taking me into their lives, giving me many surprises along the way.

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